Simple java program code
Simple java program code

simple java program code simple java program code

Hence it serves as a guide of the city to city visitors. Smart City project allows tourists & other visitors to the city by providing information about hotels, transportation facilities, air ticket booking, shopping details, city news etc. The list below mentions popular editors and IDEs. There are plenty of Java IDEs and online editors for you to begin developing Java projects. To know more about Java, Checkout this blog post. It is selected by most developers for their projects because of their following applications: Through this article, you will get java projects with source code. It also offers its support in embedded systems and scientific applications. Apart from this, it has applications in Desktop applications, Web servers and application servers, games, database connection. Java offers various applications in the area of mobile development, web application development being the major areas. compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. It was developed and intended to follow the WORA concept which means Write Once Run Anywhere i.e. Developed and created by John Gosling in1995 in Sun Microsystems, Java is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.

Simple java program code